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The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines



By: Comrade Mark Cua


Section 1. Considered landlord who owns the land but does not participate in making, or purposes so € ™ t just participating in supplementary labor. They take the land rent all or a major part of their income. It also considers that landlords land administrators, stewards, labor, and local bully the asset than middle classes. The exploitation of the peasants it captures a major part of their income. Besides exploits the masses landlords, mainly by charging rent, they also usury, hire farm workers or not paying on it, cheating the calculation, rental of animals and agricultural equipment and modern agricultural tools, and makes ibaa € ™ s various forms of extortion. 

Section 2. In entire owning of the land the rich masses, but many of them rent land. They differ in the landlords because a major part of their income they get from their own labor and tilling the soil. They also differ on lifting-to-middle classes exploitation they take in approximately thirty to fifty percent (30% -50%) of their income. Exploits them by hire workers and leasing of agricultural equipment and animals, and they have surplus funds that they can loan to them. 

Section 3. owns the land many of the middle classes, but some of them are renting the land. On they own making captures all or a major part of their income, and the entire ownership not in others they sold their labor. 

a. The senior-to-middle masses are partially or occasionally exploits. But the income from exploitation has reached more than fifteen to thirty percent (15% -30%) of their total income. 

b. The middle-middle masses, on the whole, are not directly exploited by landlords, and they themselves are not exploits. However, partially or occasionally exploits some middle-middle masses, and the income from exploitation takes one to fifteen percent (1% -15%) of their total income. 

k. The lower-middle masses are partially or occasionally sell their labor, so wages are secondary part of their total income. They stand on the brink of being poor and exploited by land rent and interest on loans. Be extended to twenty five percent (25%) of income on the sale of their labor. 

Section 4. In whole or in Premiere are included landlords poor masses. They even left plot of land, or if MAA € ™ s very small part only of the land they tilled. If often wanting their farm equipment and animals that did not just work. There were times when they need to sell their labor. Here they pulls twenty five to fifty percent (25% -50%) of their total income. 

Section 5. Commonly no land furnished agricultural workers in rural areas, and they get from selling their labor all or a major part of their income. In this category, the farm workers. They work on farms or pro capitalist farms continues the rich masses, and sometimes landlords often also the lifting-to-middle masses. To earn money, many farm workers working anywhere and to anyone else, and usually gets the job they are planting, and harvesting paggamas. 

Section 6. Ratification of the aforementioned classifications, the number of dependents per family and the actual surplus (surplus cash or product) per family or roof is always given much consideration of Communist Socialist government, the organization of farmers and committees for land reform.

