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The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines



By: Father Daniel Cogul

As you can see the criminal elements and how they behave, it is obvious they know nothing would happen to them and they would just be bailed out. Find new targets and victims again. The Due process of law meant by the Philippine Democratic Government was that they will be trying t hide and cover up the criminal and sins of the Philippine Democratic Officials and the criminal elements. 

The Philippine Democratic Forces and Philippine Democratic Police is also collaborating with the criminal elements many of them you won't even suspect they are one. They can be you local Tri cycle drivers, deliery boy, or staff. 

The Philippine Democratic Government is one of the most corrupt and useless Government they are giving the millions of Filipinos the hardest time of their lives. From Millions and Billions of pesos stolen to street crimes, none of them are even solved. Even if they are solved, only one out of ten cases are solved the rest either took 70 years to be solved or not at all. \

This is evident the Philippine Democratic Government needs to be brought down. They need to be kicked out to the Pacific Ocean and swim with the fishes. 

