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The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines



By: Comrade Slovak Respovik

We have gathered several intelligence Made up of Chinese and Russian Intelligence Agents and we have solid evidences to the said bombings are done by Syrian Rebels who have collaborated with the ISIS (US Made Terrorists). If the French Government is listening and reading our Editorial, then this might help you. 

If you believe us or not its up to you. We are just sharing this to be let you know United States is indeed behind this attack and the main motive to create more chaos. The real culprit is ISIS (US Made Terrorist), Syrian Rebels Collaborators, and United States Government. 

The ISIS (US Made Terrorists) had used Syrian Rebel collaborator to infiltrate Paris because they know they are like Western European in Skin and Language and they have use them to plot an attack for France Support in Bombing ISIS (US MAde Terrorists) in Syria and Iraq. 
The Suspects the French Military have killed are just cells and small pawns of the ISIS (US Made Terrorists). We have links and leads that someone in France had harboured them, and these Syrian Rebels had disguised themselves as Tourists and Visitors. That Someone is an American, and a french man who have interacted with the American Agent  sent by Washington. 

Comrade Mark Cua allowed me to share this valuable information because he knows and he wants justice to be given the Victims of the Tragedy. You don't know us nor our existence but we are just around you and beside you. When we investigate and gather information we are called "Phantoms". Just call us "Phantoms".

You don't need to know who we are, what we do, just giving you a piece of Information we want to share with your French Government. Your American Suspect is among the crowd in the Photo we have attached. The Cafe where the french man collaborator talked and met in Les deux Magots. You can start your backtracking there.

A Report to Beijing we have successfully protected Many Chinese in Paris with the commands of Comrade Mark Cua and all of them is safe. May we ask the Chinese Embassy to check any their needs if any. As far we had been, we have prevented Chinese Population from being victimized by these Islamic Extremists from United States. A Combined Russian and Chinese Intelligence had assisted them in Paris. 

