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The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines


By: Father Daniel Cogul

Angel Manalo, Erano Manalo mother, and his siblings was placed on the Housed owned and 
bought by the Manalos from the Money they get from their members. Some of their ministers are also missing fearing they produce and may sound off more dark secrets. 

More than 10 ministers are missing some of them are link to the Erano Manalo who knows INC (Iglesia ni Kristo) dark secrets along with the dark history and secrets of Erano Manalo. His mother and siblings was threatened by the INC (Iglesia Ni Kristo) so they would not divulge more secrets that could damage more INC. 

But with all these it is enough to destroy INC (Iglesia ni Kristo) and set people not to join the said Family Corporation of the Manalos in which they use religion and bible as their tool. Christina Tenny Manalo was the widow of his father who died thus who revealed the dark secrets of the INC (Iglesia ni Kristo). 

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