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The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines



By: Comrade Mark Cua

Let's not hide the truth anymore and its time to reveal the real supporters and financiers of the Occupy Central in Hong Kong SAR. It is the American and British Government who is behind all these. The Movement was supplied through the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and British MI6 Intelligence Agency. 

The Aim of the Occupy Central was to create and make use of the Simple Minded Students in Hong Kong SAR to create chaos and do the wills of the Western Powers. The rest is already pawns for the British and American Government. 
The Student Leaders are indeed financially and physiologically Supplied by the American and British Government. The use and purpose of the students was to make an alibi and an excuse so British Officials and American Officials can butt in and intrude in Hong Kong SAR Affairs which is Chinese State. 

Recently what the Chinese Government was correct barr the British Officials from entering Hong Kong SAR as they are already moving into their second phase of the plan. Pretend to support and care about the welfare of the Students and speak in front of the media. I say to the Hong Kong SAR and CPC (Communist Party of China) if the Hong Kong SAR Police will not use the required force and upholding the law these students will be keep on coming back the streets and Western Powers will succeed on their plans. 

Trust me it is expected the Student Leaders will deny the support and financial Support of the American and British Government. They are told so by the said Western Powers so not to make a mess in the part of British and American Government. 

