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The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines



By: Father Daniel Cogul

The Philippine Democratic Government had been mocking the Filipino People ever since it was established by Emilio Aguinaldo in 1898. The Philippine Democratic Government is obviously a group people in an institution using personal interests, and selfish aims to mock the Filipino People out of their right for their hard earned income, money, and their right to have a brighter future. 

Justice system under the Philippine Democratic Government is a mock trial where none of those guilty ones including those seated in the Philippine Democratic Senate, Congress, and Executive branches are punished. The Justice System is just a show for mockery. 

The Rule of the Philippine Democratic Government is no much different from Feudal Society where corrupt and people who steal from the Filipinos like the Binays, Villars, and other Political Dynasties in the Philippine Democratic Government are above the law and they are enjoying the soft touch and biased justice. They are never brought to real justice and gave them special treated. The "Due process of law" to the Philippine Democratic Government is like cover up of all crimes especially those of Philippine Democratic Senators, Congressmen, Governors, mayors, and other Philippine Democratic Officials. 

The Filipino Youth some of them living under poverty are suffering from under nourished education and most of them turned out to become the robbers we know on the streets. They are so thicked in the face they even won't step down and even let their kins join them in the Stealing and cooperating in mocking of the Filipino People. 
We have a choice and it is improving our lives and taking down the Philippine Democratic Government. Taking them out of the Malacanang Palace. 

