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The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines


By: Comrade Slovak Respovik

US Government started bombing Somalian Islamists and other Muslims states as against their so called "Terrorists".Sending drones, troops, SEAL Teams to terminate and kill Muslim and Islamic Targets. 

They also have been bombing ISIS weeks before but they are unable to stop ISIS from attack India, Northern Iraq, and border of Syria. Living the double standard based on their interests as in Iraq they are in favour of bombing ISIS because the Iraq Government in which they built as puppet are on the brink of losing the entire Iraq. 

In Syria they are not in favour of bombing because it is a potential chance to get rid of Assad and Legitimate Syrian Government. United States weight their military and political campaigns based on their Interests and what it can do to them. ISIS had more plans of expanding into EU (European Union, Southern Asia (India), and due North Russian Crimean. 

Planning to conquer Spain, Portugal, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Northern Africa, and others stated on the possible plan within 5 years set by the ISIS. 

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