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The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

The Original Founders (Early 20th Century)

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines

Be A Part of the real Change in the New Philippines



By: Comrade Mark Cua

Revolutionary Guide to Land Reform 
Communist Party of the Philippines 
Below is adopted Revolutionary Guide to Land Reform 11th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Party. 

Organized the Revolutionary Guide to Land Reform in accordance with the changes provided in the Chairman's Foreword Amado Guerrero on the 20th of April 1977 and in accordance with the decisions of the 10th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Party, PB-CC 1994 and the 11th Plenum Central Committee. 

Among configured as follows: 

1 Changed Section 1 of Chapter III in accordance with defined Foreword Chairman Amado Guerrero on the 20th of April 1977, the rent lupaâ € "as a first step in lowering the rent of land is brought low by 50% from the existing level of areas. 

2 Replacing the letter k of Section 4 of Chapter III and configured the letter D of Section 4 of Chapter III and Section 7 of Chapter V defined in accordance with the Chairman's Foreword Amado Guerrero on the 20th of April 1977, the interest in pautangâ € "as a first step in the elimination of light-usurang interesâ €" is brought low by 50% from the existing level areas. 

3 added to Chapter III Section 2 about the ongoing step-by-step reduction of land rent reduction from the initial 50% of existing levels up to 10% or less of net Ania € "based on the increment of the revolutionary forces in the range. 

4 In the letter k of Section 4 of Chapter III is also defined as set interest loan to map non-usury, titiyaking still motivated to continue to loan creditors. 

5 Removed the organizing committee of the village in the article 1,2,3,4,6, and 8 in Chapter II of the Guide for the Establishment of the People's Communist Socialist Government in accordance with clarification Urgent Tasks results of the Third Plenum of the first Central Committee of the Party. Also organized pursuant to Article 2 of Chapter II of Part II of the Guide for the Establishment of the People's Communist Socialist Government. 

6 Based on the decision of the 10th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Party and PB-CC meeting in 1994 to implement the maximum program of agrarian revolution then achieve the victory of the Communistic Socialist revolution throughout the country (See Reaffirm Our Friends basic Principles and Rectify Errors, , is a matter of Two-Stage Revolution.): 

6.1 Replacing Section 2 of Chapter II. 

6.2 Added Section 3 in Chapter II. 

6.3 Configuring Section 4 of Chapter II. 

7 clear to Reaffirm Our Basic Principles and Rectify Errors, Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought as Guide to the Philippine Revolution, and Programs of the Communist Party of the Philippines the nationalization of the land owned by the landlords, comprador big bourgeoisie and the imperialists as part of the maximum program of agrarian revolution. Accordingly: 

7.1 Configuring Section 2 of Chapter II, as well as Section 9 of Chapter VI. 

7.2. Organized Section 1 and Section 2 of Chapter IV 

7.3 Configuring Section 11 of Chapter V to clarify that the land could sell the land reform beneficiaries of the land formerly owned by him prior to distribute land. 

8 added to Chapter III Section 15 to clarify that part of the minimum program campaign for increasing the production of the peasant masses. 

9 added to Section 5, Chapter II release the guidance of the Party Committee of the regional administration and use of abandoned and idle lands. 

10 Added in Section 2, Chapter IV Distribution of Land 

11 Added Section 8 in Chapter IV. 

12 Added to Section 2 of Chapter VI of the relevant points of the same wages to both work, certain provisions regarding women workers. 

13 added Section 2 in Chapter VII relating to ancestral lands of the national minorities. 

14 The General Rules of the National Confederation of Peasants: 

14.1 Putting the National Confederation of Peasant or PKM as the official name of the organization. 

14.2 Article II added. 

14.3 added Section 14 of Article III. 

14.4 added to Section 11 of Article IV provisions regarding the election of the vice-chairmen health.

